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#1 Owi



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Napisano 07 kwietnia 2009 - 11:24

To jest druga czesc mojej rozmowy z supportem z dzisiejszego dnia. Sorry za bledy gramatyczne, ale juz bylem z deka wkurwiony i oczywiscie 50 rzeczy na raz musze robic.

W pierwszej czesci rozmowy poprosil mnie o charakterystykę bledu ktory zlokalizowalem (chodzilo o to ze zepsuli upgrade oprogramowania serwera - glownie baz danych). Po podaniu bledu i objawów on poprosil mnie o haslo i dostp do panelu zarzadzajacego serwerem. Zapytalem sie czy po to aby wcisnac to samo co ja i zobaczyc ten sam blad. On odpisal ze tak.... Masakra... skad ich biora no ale nic - musialem wysjc. Po powrocie druga czesc rozmowy:

(3:57:40 AM) Alexander Bl: has entered the chat.
(3:57:43 AM) Alexander Bl: Welcome to HostGator live chat, my name is Alexander, how can I be of assistance today?
(3:58:02 AM) kamil: hello one more time
(3:58:09 AM) Alexander Bl: What table was it? The collab table?
(3:58:12 AM) kamil: I am at work and i had to go for a minute
(3:58:20 AM) kamil: it is for example
(3:58:28 AM) kamil: in ***** database
(3:58:29 AM) kamil: ****** table
(3:59:03 AM) Alexander Bl: I see it, thank you
(4:03:55 AM) kamil: it was after this upgrade
(4:04:30 AM) Alexander Bl: I've got an admin looking now
(4:10:30 AM) Alexander Bl: It appears there is an error with the database, if you would like, our admins has a roll back from Apr 6 20:18 that he can restore
(4:14:36 AM) kamil: no
(4:14:44 AM) kamil: i would like to have my database
(4:14:52 AM) kamil: exactly as it is
(4:14:58 AM) kamil: without errors
(4:15:00 AM) kamil: done by YOU
(4:16:14 AM) Alexander Bl: I'm sorry, but I do not have access to do that.
(4:16:50 AM) kamil: Oh i`m sorry
(4:17:01 AM) kamil: Im not pointing You specially
(4:17:05 AM) kamil: i just meant hostgator ;]
(4:17:23 AM) kamil: it is the easiest way to rollback from backup
(4:17:37 AM) kamil: but it is not my fault that database is not working now...
(4:17:50 AM) Alexander Bl: Yes, because that is the database as it is right before we did the backup
(4:18:11 AM) Alexander Bl: Its quite probable that the errors began occouring directly after the upgrade and nothing new could of been added
(4:18:27 AM) kamil: i know that many thing have been added
(4:18:32 AM) kamil: for example posts on forums
(4:18:40 AM) kamil: and some changes in configurations
(4:19:10 AM) Alexander Bl: In the past 6 hours?
(4:19:18 AM) kamil: yes
(4:19:19 AM) Alexander Bl: Err, 8 I should say
(4:22:27 AM) kamil: I`m not agreeing to have a rollback
(4:22:43 AM) kamil: please repair it or i would like to create official complaint
(4:22:50 AM) kamil: i know that this is not Your fault at all
(4:23:14 AM) Alexander Bl: I'll check.
(4:32:42 AM) kamil: as far as i Know
(4:32:55 AM) kamil: i don`t have permissions to write to those mysql files
(4:33:05 AM) kamil: adn rolling back database will change nothing
(4:34:25 AM) kamil: and even if You have backup from before the upgrade - Your obligation is to check if upgrade went fine
(4:34:35 AM) kamil: and not waiting so many hours
(4:34:43 AM) kamil: maybe in US it was nightime
(4:34:47 AM) kamil: but not in my country
(4:37:54 AM) kamil: is there any person which is able to check if i have permissions to write to folder /var/tmpsql/ ?
(4:38:11 AM) Alexander Bl: I'm working weith an admin now
(4:38:30 AM) kamil: slave load tmpdir /var/tmpsql
(4:38:46 AM) kamil: this variable in mysql settings points to this folder
(4:38:51 AM) kamil: according to mysql manual
(4:39:13 AM) kamil: error 2 says that directory does not exist or i don` t have access permissions to it
(4:41:59 AM) Alexander Bl: I apologize about the inconvenience, but in order to get this issue resolved, I will need to escalate this issue to one of our system administrators. HostGator's system administrators work via the helpdesk and have access to different systems and more training than our level one chat technicians. We're here primarily to help you address basic problems and questions and we're unfortunately unable to assist you with more complicated issues like this one. I apologize about the inconvenience, but this is really the best way to get the issue resolved quickly and completely. To escalate the issue, I can either a submit ticket for you or you can email with your domain name and the relevant details. Once the ticket is in, I will do what I can to ensure you get a resolution as quickly as possible.
(4:42:36 AM) kamil: please do ti
(4:42:41 AM) kamil: please do it
(4:43:11 AM) kamil: PLease just submit ticket to support and attach this conversation to i
(4:43:15 AM) kamil: it*
(4:43:39 AM) kamil: i`m nearly 100% sure that it is problem with this var/tmpsql folder and
(4:43:52 AM) kamil: slave load tmpdir variable
(4:45:09 AM) Alexander Bl: Ticket submitted
(4:45:16 AM) kamil: ok great
(4:45:23 AM) kamil: thank You
(4:45:24 AM) kamil: bye
(4:45:50 AM) Alexander Bl: Thank you for using HostGator Live Chat. If you could take a minute to rate your experience with HostGator as well as my overall performance, that would help us to improve our customer service. To do that, just click the button that says Rate and Exit in the upper right hand corner. The survey takes less than a minute to fill out.

Oczywiscie tak jak mowilem poszlo do kogos kto sie zna i sprawa zostala zalatwiona szybko - bylo dkoladnie to co opisalem...... Zebym to jeszcze ja bez dostepu do ustawien samej maszyny musial sam sobie szukac bledu... To jest doiero wsparcie...

Zastanawia mnie ilu osobom tak Ci ludzie pomogli... My bysmy stracili pare postów z dzis plus trosze konfiguracji co sie rano pogrzebałem. A co z tymi ktorzy maja bardzo wazne biznesy postawione??? Na dodatek cofniecie bazy gowno by dalo i tak bylby blad a my bysmy potracili dane....

Nawsadzaja jakich mudzahedinów z Indii co komputera na oczy nie widzieli i tak to wyglada potem...Zreszta u nas w kraju równiez tacy informatycy to wiekszosc...
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#2 pawzad



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Napisano 07 kwietnia 2009 - 01:09

Od razu na mysl przyszly mi polskie urzedy. Po prostu brak kompetencji, ludzi z odpowiednim wyksztalceniem na odpowiednim miejscu. I tylko wysylaja od Kajfasza do Judasza, nie potrafia pomoc. Szkoda, ze nikt nie bierze pod uwage powiedzenia- place, wymagam...
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#3 KoNiO



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Napisano 07 kwietnia 2009 - 01:25

a mi konsultanci z neostrady
mowie babce ping mam wysoki ponadto a ona a co to ? ja w takim mmomencie odrazu sie zegnam i dzwonie do osoby lepiej poinformowanej :)
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#4 yman



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Napisano 07 kwietnia 2009 - 01:42

albo te babki z McDrive, mówisz bigmac dają fishmaca, w morde jeża... xD
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