- GamingCrew.pl
- → Przeglądanie profilu: Tematy: se lamie se
- Grupa: Member
- Całość postów: 1 084
- Odwiedzin: 4 532
- Tytuł: Porucznik
- Wiek: 36 lat
- Urodziny: Czerwiec 29, 1988
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forum psp
22 lipca 2011 - 03:24
Witka. Chciałbym się dowiedzieć czy znacie może jakieś dobre forum na którym można dostać gierki na konsole PSP sam szukałem ale nic konkretnego znaleźć nie moglem :/
19 kwietnia 2011 - 10:24
Hejka wszystkim pojawiam się na forum z pewnym problemem. Jestem na etapie kupna Netbooka, tyle tylko ze nie mam pojęcia z jakiej firmy, co najlepsze i w ogóle :/ nigdy nie interesowałem się tym szczeblem komputerów mam nadzieje ze ktoś mi pomoże w wybraniu czegoś z przedziału cenowego do 1500 zł. A co by mnie w nim interesowało?? Hmm...??
Bateria chyba najważniejsza czyt. żeby trzymała jak najdłużej
Ram 1Gb starczy ale z 2 GB bym nie pogardził
procek najlepiej atom bo podobno najlepsze
grafa mogłaby odpalać jakieś tam gierki (wiadomo ze nie Crysis'a )
dysk 200GB minimum
nie więcej niż 10 cali
usb razy 3 bądź więcej
No i najlepiej żeby była to jakaś dobra i znana marka na rynku za wszelka pomoc z góry bardzo dziękuje
Bateria chyba najważniejsza czyt. żeby trzymała jak najdłużej
Ram 1Gb starczy ale z 2 GB bym nie pogardził
procek najlepiej atom bo podobno najlepsze
grafa mogłaby odpalać jakieś tam gierki (wiadomo ze nie Crysis'a )
dysk 200GB minimum
nie więcej niż 10 cali
usb razy 3 bądź więcej
No i najlepiej żeby była to jakaś dobra i znana marka na rynku za wszelka pomoc z góry bardzo dziękuje
laptop do 2 tys
27 listopada 2010 - 10:50
siema. potrzebuje jakiegos lapka do 2 tys. laptop ma byc glownie przeznaczony do ogladania filmow i surfowania po necie. najlepiej zeby mial ekranik 15 cali, ramu tak zeby go zbytnio nie mulilo i w miare duzy dysk czekam na propozycje
Call of Duty: Black Ops
15 listopada 2010 - 01:04
Witam. Mam problemik z odpaleniej w/w gry otoz wyskakuje mi taki oto blad : Direct3DDevice9:resent failed: Driver internal error
instalowalem juz nowe stery i Directa, ale niestety nic nie pomoglo :'-( ma ktos jakies pomysly??
log z consoli
----- Initializing Renderer ----
execing ragdoll.cfg from fastfile
Cmd_AddCommand: scrProfileInfo already defined
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
Trying SMP acceleration...
----- R_Init -----
Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
Pixel shader version is 3.0
Vertex shader version is 3.0
Attempting 800 x 600 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz
Game window successfully created.
Creating Direct3D device...
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0
Adding fastfile 'en_code_post_gfx' to queue
Adding fastfile 'code_post_gfx' to queue
Loading fastfile 'en_code_post_gfx'
used 0.37 MB memory in DB alloc
Loading fastfile 'code_post_gfx'
used 5.69 MB memory in DB alloc
Redundant asset: 'techset','2d'
Adding fastfile 'en_patch' to queue
Adding fastfile 'patch' to queue
Using 1 GPU(s).
Initializing render targets...
Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
INTZ format supported
Initializing static model cache...
Loading fastfile 'en_patch'
used 0.00 MB memory in DB alloc
Initializing dynamic buffers...
Initializing particle cloud buffer...
Creating Direct3D queries...
Setting initial state...
Video memory for device: 503 MB.
Rounded video memory size: 512 MB.
DirectX reports 512 MB of video memory and 817 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 496 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
Error: Could not load image "$pixelcostcolorcode".
Error: Could not load material "$floatz_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "$processed_floatz_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "$ps3_aadownsample_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "particle_blend_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "particle_zdownsample_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_0".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_1".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_2".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_3".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_4".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_5".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_6".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_7".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_8".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_9".
Error: Could not load material "create_lut2d".
Error: Could not load material "apply_lut2d".
Error: Could not load material "$ps3_reload_zcull_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray".
Loading fastfile 'patch'
used 2.84 MB memory in DB alloc
--- Initializing Voice ---
Hostname: komputer
Binding to
"mis_01" = "0".
"mis_difficulty" = "0000000000000000000000000".
"takeCoverWarnings" = "9".
"r_gamma" = "1".
"snd_menu_voice" = "1".
"snd_menu_music" = "1".
"snd_menu_sfx" = "1".
"snd_menu_master" = "0.8".
"snd_menu_cinematic" = "1".
"mis_01" = "0".
"mis_difficulty" = "0000000000000000000000000".
"takeCoverWarnings" = "9".
"r_gamma" = "1".
"snd_menu_voice" = "1".
"snd_menu_music" = "1".
"snd_menu_sfx" = "1".
"snd_menu_master" = "0.8".
"snd_menu_cinematic" = "1".
Updating profile 0 from dvars.
end $init 3946 ms
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Redundant asset: 'image','sw4'
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/patch.txt".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/menus.txt".
Error: Could not load material "menu_mp_lobby_scrollbar_main".
Error: Could not load material "menu_mp_lobby_scrollbar_block".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_recr".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_reg".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_hard".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_vet".
g_gametype cmp is not a valid gametype, defaulting to cmp
Huffman Took 3 Milliseconds
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: frontend
----- R_Init -----
Video memory for device: 503 MB.
Rounded video memory size: 512 MB.
DirectX reports 512 MB of video memory and 817 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 496 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
Save Message First Frame Shown: 4985
Error: Could not load material "loadscreen_frontend".
Adding fastfile 'en_frontend' to queue
Adding fastfile 'frontend' to queue
Loading fastfile 'en_frontend'
used 0.50 MB memory in DB alloc
Loading fastfile 'frontend'
used 51.84 MB memory in DB alloc
Com_ERROR: Direct3DDevice9:resent failed: Driver internal error (-2005530585)
instalowalem juz nowe stery i Directa, ale niestety nic nie pomoglo :'-( ma ktos jakies pomysly??
log z consoli
----- Initializing Renderer ----
execing ragdoll.cfg from fastfile
Cmd_AddCommand: scrProfileInfo already defined
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
Trying SMP acceleration...
----- R_Init -----
Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
Pixel shader version is 3.0
Vertex shader version is 3.0
Attempting 800 x 600 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz
Game window successfully created.
Creating Direct3D device...
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0
Adding fastfile 'en_code_post_gfx' to queue
Adding fastfile 'code_post_gfx' to queue
Loading fastfile 'en_code_post_gfx'
used 0.37 MB memory in DB alloc
Loading fastfile 'code_post_gfx'
used 5.69 MB memory in DB alloc
Redundant asset: 'techset','2d'
Adding fastfile 'en_patch' to queue
Adding fastfile 'patch' to queue
Using 1 GPU(s).
Initializing render targets...
Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
INTZ format supported
Initializing static model cache...
Loading fastfile 'en_patch'
used 0.00 MB memory in DB alloc
Initializing dynamic buffers...
Initializing particle cloud buffer...
Creating Direct3D queries...
Setting initial state...
Video memory for device: 503 MB.
Rounded video memory size: 512 MB.
DirectX reports 512 MB of video memory and 817 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 496 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
Error: Could not load image "$pixelcostcolorcode".
Error: Could not load material "$floatz_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "$processed_floatz_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "$ps3_aadownsample_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "particle_blend_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "particle_zdownsample_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_0".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_1".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_2".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_3".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_4".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_5".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_6".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_7".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_8".
Error: Could not load material "postfx_lut_9".
Error: Could not load material "create_lut2d".
Error: Could not load material "apply_lut2d".
Error: Could not load material "$ps3_reload_zcull_donotremove".
Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray".
Loading fastfile 'patch'
used 2.84 MB memory in DB alloc
--- Initializing Voice ---
Hostname: komputer
Binding to
"mis_01" = "0".
"mis_difficulty" = "0000000000000000000000000".
"takeCoverWarnings" = "9".
"r_gamma" = "1".
"snd_menu_voice" = "1".
"snd_menu_music" = "1".
"snd_menu_sfx" = "1".
"snd_menu_master" = "0.8".
"snd_menu_cinematic" = "1".
"mis_01" = "0".
"mis_difficulty" = "0000000000000000000000000".
"takeCoverWarnings" = "9".
"r_gamma" = "1".
"snd_menu_voice" = "1".
"snd_menu_music" = "1".
"snd_menu_sfx" = "1".
"snd_menu_master" = "0.8".
"snd_menu_cinematic" = "1".
Updating profile 0 from dvars.
end $init 3946 ms
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Redundant asset: 'image','sw4'
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/patch.txt".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/menus.txt".
Error: Could not load material "menu_mp_lobby_scrollbar_main".
Error: Could not load material "menu_mp_lobby_scrollbar_block".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_recr".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_reg".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_hard".
Error: Could not load material "playlist_sp_vet".
g_gametype cmp is not a valid gametype, defaulting to cmp
Huffman Took 3 Milliseconds
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: frontend
----- R_Init -----
Video memory for device: 503 MB.
Rounded video memory size: 512 MB.
DirectX reports 512 MB of video memory and 817 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 496 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
Save Message First Frame Shown: 4985
Error: Could not load material "loadscreen_frontend".
Adding fastfile 'en_frontend' to queue
Adding fastfile 'frontend' to queue
Loading fastfile 'en_frontend'
used 0.50 MB memory in DB alloc
Loading fastfile 'frontend'
used 51.84 MB memory in DB alloc
Com_ERROR: Direct3DDevice9:resent failed: Driver internal error (-2005530585)
- GamingCrew.pl
- → Przeglądanie profilu: Tematy: se lamie se
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